The other kids going were at least 10. AJ is 6 1/2... that is quite a difference. I had hesitations about going, but decided we should just get out there and try it; we'd learn along the way.
Sunday morning we met the group at 9am. AJ had a great attitude, but had no idea what we were about to do. He liked the fact that other friends were with us though. We started to walk the trails and learned that many were closed as they had been washed out in heavy rains in the few weeks prior. We found one that was open.
We walked up a large hill... up and up and up. About

We not only made it to the top of that mountain, but continued on three miles out! It was continuously up and down, not many flat stretches to relax on. At one point, we reached the bottom of an extremely steep hill. It was very symbolic. I saw it coming up and tried to motivate AJ beforehand to know that he could make it. I took some great pictures of him working his way up that big mountain. He made it up, slowly and steadily, without much of a problem at all. I was so proud!
On another part of the trail,

On the way back, AJ tripped on a loose rock and scraped his knee pretty badly. He was very upset to see it bleeding. I picked him up and carried him for a few minutes. I cuddled with him and told him he'd be okay and that we just needed to make it back but that I couldn't carry him the whole way. I put him back down and he just kept right on going.
Shortly before making it back, it started sprinkling rain.

Throughout the six mile hike, AJ kept a great attitude. He was not always all smiles, but he tried his best - and did an EXCELLENT job! I was amazed this boy could go that far and long. He helped motivate me as well. As soon as we got down the hill he said, "I miss it up there". CUTIE!
YEAAAHHHH AJ!!!!! I love you baby!