(I already posted this on my main blog, but wanted to post it here as well as a keepsake story of AJ's life).
Well, my little baby boy has gone off to kindergarten! It’s been as big of an experience for me as it has been for him, I’m sure. Each step of being a parent has surprised me. I discover who I am as a mother, how it feels to have a child, and witness the growth of life so closely (yet not too direct that its hard to see). It’s a beautiful unfolding that I treasure dearly - some of my greatest experiences of life.
I never anticipated it would be such a big deal for me to send him off to school. But now that I’m here and it’s him, it has been a very big deal. It felt like I was officially letting go of a piece of my heart as he enters the world on a larger level.
I always enjoy my time with my little cutie. Every stage I wish he could freeze him in that age, thinking it can’t possibly get better… but it does. I treasure them all. However, there’s something so special to me about his age right now that I will always hold extra dear. An innocence. A genuine presence. A gentle love. He’s my favorite little buddy. It is with heart-felt tears that I introduce him to the world. First tears of pain, followed by those of great joy. My little boy is growing up.
Amazing how fast time goes and life changes - all the time - once you know what you love.
I considered alternative options for teaching him such as home-school. I was very open to what is truly best for his overall growth and weighed several options. I am happy to be at peace in my choice of having him go to the public charter school that we chose. It offers different approaches to learning concepts and meaning. It is not as technically focused as most. It’s more rounded and personalized than any other we saw.Attending this school allows him the direct experience in the world and the confidence that brings while providing the balance of learning that we prefer. I look forward to having my development space and also supplementing his growth at home with things not taught directly in school such as love, living, spirituality, etc.
He had been waiting eagerly all summer long after attending an orientation that got him very excited about going to school. He came back saying they were building a new playground just for him and asking impatiently when he could go to school.
When we went school shopping for back packs, rather than go for his usual Noggin characters, he went for a more mature anime one. It’s one that his older sister would like. It was adorable because it was so unlike his normal style and obviously a very conscious decision that he made to grow up. We had a great time buying his “official supplies” and yummy snacks for lunches.
By the time the day finally came, we were all happy to move forward. We had been anticipating it for so long… It has felt great to guide him into being excited about it and highlighting the fun rather than my usual non-stop “I’ll miss you!!!” I helped him enjoy the experience rather than putting too much focus on what’s going on.
On the first day of school, he woke up early and helped me make pancakes. He was in a great mood. As he put his backpack on he said, “wow this is heavy” while casually struggling to put it on. It was almost as big as him and heavy from his lunch. We took a picture of him outside of the front door. Upon his request, we also took a silly one.
He carried an air of confidence as he entered the playground yard. He was ready. He is going for it. He gave us a kiss good-bye, got in his line, and tuned into the activity all around him. A few minutes later he yelled across the blacktop to me, “Mom! He has a Mario Galaxy backpack!!!” The kid with the backpack enjoyed being acknowledged and asked if AJ had the game. With a cool look on his face, AJ said, “yah.”
AJ’s teacher took the kids to the grass and sat them in a circle. They talked and counted how many were in their class. 17. They stood up and walked crazily around the parents and through the playground, making it fun. AJ waved goodbye without even a glance as he walked through the door.
All day I couldn’t wait to hear how it went for him. When I picked him up, he had a gift for me. It was a pink bead. He had made me a bracelet, but lost it. The bead was what was left. “Don’t worry, mom, I’ll make you another one. But it won’t be the same, okay? I’ll make it with macaroni.” So adorably thoughtful.
He was happy to see us and had a great day. He was excited to come back again the next day. We went out to go get him a new pair of shoes (that I wished I had gotten him earlier). “Mom, I got your poster. Thanks!” he said referring to the love note I put in his lunch.
His favorite happening of the day? “There are four resets!” He meant recesses. During recess he, “played on the bikes and went on the slide. I’m too scared of the monkey thing, but I went on the playground and played with friends.”
The second day he came home with his spirit flying. He had a great time at recess singing songs with his friends. As happens often when kids start at a new school, he caught a light cold. It triggered his asthma. He had to miss the third and fourth day due to heavy wheezing. I was concerned he may find it hard to return after being back home or that he may lose motivation. He returned on Friday and he was ready again.
AJ has impressed me greatly with his attitude. School started two weeks ago and he has been consistently driven and strong. I am amazed at how focused and ready he is. I am so happy to see him enjoy the opportunities he has rather than battling with them. It is lots of fun for me to see him go for growth, prepare for change, and stand up to life.
Now we have created a new daily schedule. We take time to discuss what we experienced during our time apart. I ask AJ questions to prompt more sharing. We both value our mornings and afternoons more together as our daily time has been greatly reduced. I slow down much more during these windows of time that we have and he really appreciates my presence. While he's gone, I have more space to get my work done, allowing me to be more productive feel better naturally.
We are growing both on our own and together. He’s inspired me to grow more too, making it fun and exciting again.
Here we go baby!!