Friday, September 11, 2015

A Big Week - Junior High and a New Brother!

In one week, AJ started junior high and got a new brother!!  It was a big one!

AJ's little brother Luke arrived the day before school started.  Grandpa Mike and Gramomily had AJ stay at their house that day and they brought him to the hospital to meet his brother the night he was born.

I was still in the hospital on his first day.  I was super bummed to miss AJ's first day of school - let alone the first day at a whole new school!!!  Jason was able to take him to school that morning - he and Colin walked AJ to his class and took several pictures.  They also face-timed me so that I could participate a little bit. :)

After school, Jason brought both AJ and Colin to visit their baby brother in the hospital.  AJ was very sweet with the newborn and loved to hold him.