Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Business Fair

AJ was adamant this week about writing a business plan so that he could have a business at the business fair in his class.  Come to find out about half way through the process that it was optional.  I love how determined he was to have a business and earn some school bucks!

Here he is with the sign for his business and the products he'll sell. 

The business fair was a success.  He sold almost all of his goods.  He had a sale towards the end. :)  So fun to see him enjoy himself and be so eager to do a good job.  Very thankful I got to be there for his big moment.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

First Day of 5th Grade

Last year before he is in junior high!  This year should be a blast because he is the highest grade at his school.

We tried making a sign like lots of moms were having their kids do... He wants to be a singer when he grows up. :)